The failures of some legacy OEMs to master even just one element (Zero Emissions) of the mobility revolution – a shift in the

Momentum and Talent in Deutschland
Nothing breeds complacency like unchallenged dominance. Just ask the German national football (soccer) team. Like this year’s World Cup squad, the German auto and energy industries
Passionate, fact-driven, optimistic: Young climate leaders give reason for hope
When faced with daily doses of tragedy – volcanoes, heat waves, wildfires, school shootings, corrupt international political networks, and the consequences of extremism – it

Build more runways, electric aircraft are coming
This month, merely 28 years after the UK government first agreed to expand capacity in the South-East of England, Theresa May’s cabinet approved building a third runway at Europe’s busiest
What do milk, diesel, and electric vehicles all have in common?
In 2017, the US state of Georgia revoked a $5,000 electric vehicle (EV) incentive program, and instead imposed the country’s highest extra fee for registering an

Why bet on a dying horse?
I had the pleasure of speaking on The Mobility Revolution at an industry conference filled with 300 internal-combustion-engine developers last week. As usual, I shared