Will we end up with “national champions” in automotive production? With a Honda-Nissan-Mitsu tie-up in the works, surely a Stellantis merger (Renault?) not far behind,
Being Driven 2023: Attitudes on autonomous mobility
Three-quarters of the UK public are not yet comfortable with vehicles at the highest levels of autonomy. Alongside our colleagues at 7th Sense Research, in
The Power Shift: From Automotive to Mobility
How large is the mobility industry? This nascent and fast-growing system, in which novelties, disruptions and new trends are common, is easy to admire, but
Home, Work, and Mobility – eBook
The ‘reset’ from Covid-19 will lead to fundamental changes related to how we get to work and play. Beyond these aspects, our lifestyles, our place
City planning for a post-car age
As urbanisation and online-shopping each intensify, cities and communities are being challenged to find space for a flood of new transport options for both people
Connected Cars Must Gain Crucial Human Ability
Automakers need to make their vehicles resilient, healthy and responsive to attacks. In short: We need to give our vehicles an immune system. We’ve designed
The Mobility Revolution: A Primer for Fleet Managers
Neckermann Strategic Advisors collaborated with the NAFA Foundation on a unique and thorough white paper: THE MOBILITY REVOLUTION: A PRIMER FOR FLEET MANAGERS Written by Lukas
The Power of Data. The Power for Data.
Data. It’s the new oil, and a source of paranoia for a new generation. It’s the glue that justifies and holds together business plans. It’s
Momentum and Talent in Deutschland
Nothing breeds complacency like unchallenged dominance. Just ask the German national football (soccer) team. Like this year’s World Cup squad, the German auto and energy industries
Passionate, fact-driven, optimistic: Young climate leaders give reason for hope
When faced with daily doses of tragedy – volcanoes, heat waves, wildfires, school shootings, corrupt international political networks, and the consequences of extremism – it